Download the LCIMB platelet segmentation dataset and train a 2D-3D+3x3x3 net from scratch. See (Guay et al., 2019) for more details.
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import pickle
import random
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
# Utilities for this example, abstracting away a messy in-lab codebase
from src.demos import demo_data, demo_segmentation
from import download_data_if_missing
from src.initialize_instance import initialize_instance
from src.create_network import create_network
from src.train_and_eval import train_and_eval
from src.segment import segment
logger_level = logging.ERROR
download_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/examples/data')
output_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/examples/example2/output')
If the data already exists in the download folder, the download will be skipped.
# Dir containing train/eval/test images
data_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, 'platelet_data')
Prep a training run for a 2D-3D+3x3x3 net on the platelet data. The net trains at about 1 it/sec on an NVIDIA GTX 1080, so for this demo we'll only do a few epochs.
# (z, x, y) order
input_shape = (5, 300, 300)
# Number of convolutions per spatial scale in the spatial pyramid
comps_list = (3, 5)
# Number of training epochs
n_epochs = 5
# Number of training iterations between eval runs
n_its_between_evals = 1000
# Early stopping criterion. Specify a metric ('mean_iou' or 'adj_rand_idx')
# a threshold for the metric, and the epoch to begin testing the criterion
stop_criterion = ('mean_iou', 0.3, 10)
# Save directory for this instance of the example
save_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, time.strftime('%m%d'))
# Trainable weight initialization RNG seed
weight_seed = 31415
# Training data presentation order RNG seed
data_seed = 27182
# 3D training windows are taken from a larger 3D volume, which is
# divided up into overlapping training-window-size regions with
# top-left corners spaced (approximately) this far apart:
train_window_spacing = [2, 100, 100] # (z, x, y) order
# 2D encoder-decoder module settings
net_2d_settings = {
'spatial_mode': 2, # 1xkxk convolution and pooling ops
'pool_z': False, # don't up/downsample along z axis
'n_blocks': 3, # num convolution blocks in the encoder and decoder
'n_comps': 2, # num convolutions per block
'n_kernels': 64, # num convolution kernels in first encoder block
'log_gamma2': -4.7, # log10 of L2 regularization on weights (ignored if < -10)
'log_gamma1': -11, # log10 of L1 regularization on weights (ignored if < -10)
'padding_type': 'same', # either 'valid' or 'same'. Harder to use 'valid' in 3D
'pooling_type': 'maxpool' # either 'maxpool' or 'conv'. Original U-Net used maxpool
# 2D predictor module settings
predictor_2d_settings = {
'spatial_mode': 2, # same as the 2D encoder-decoder
'log_gamma2': -9, # log10 of L2 regularization on weights
'log_gamma1': -11 # log10 of L1 regularization on weights
# 3D spatial pyramid module settings
net_3d_settings = {
'spatial_mode': 1, # fully-3D ops
'padding_type': 'same', # either 'valid' or 'same'. Harder to use 'valid' in 3D
'n_kernels': 64, # num convolution kernels in first encoder block
'log_gamma2': -5, # log10 of L2 regularization on weights
'log_gamma1': -11 # log10 of L1 regularization on weights
# 3D predictor module settings
predictor_3d_settings = {
'spatial_mode': 1, # same as the 3D spatial pyramid
'log_gamma2': -9, # log10 of L2 regularization on weights
'log_gamma1': -11 # log10 of L1 regularization on weights
# Optimization settings (ADAM optimizer:
optim_settings = {
'c_lr_2d': 0.33, # 2D prediction loss learning rate multiplier
'log_learning_rate': -3., # log10 of learning rate
'log_alpha1': -1.5, # log10 of alpha1 := 1 - beta1
'log_alpha2': -2.1, # log10 of alpha2 := 1 - beta2
'log_epsilon': -7., # log10 of epsilon
'weight_floor': 0.01, # minimum weight value for weighted cross-entropy loss
'exponential_decay_rate': 1, # exponential decay applied to learning rate
'log_decay_steps': 10 # log10 of exponential decay step count
# Define for saving settings during archival
instance_settings = {
'data_dir': data_dir,
'instance_dir': None, # Defined in `initialize_instance()`
'input_shape': input_shape,
'comps_list': comps_list,
'n_epochs': n_epochs,
'n_its_between_evals': n_its_between_evals,
'stop_criterion': stop_criterion,
'weight_seed': weight_seed,
'data_seed': data_seed,
'train_window_spacing': train_window_spacing,
'net_2d_settings': net_2d_settings,
'predictor_2d_settings': predictor_2d_settings,
'net_3d_settings': net_3d_settings,
'predictor_3d_settings': predictor_3d_settings,
'optim_settings': optim_settings
Create a folder within save_dir
for the output of this instance's run, and archive
all example source code.
# Updates key 'instance_dir' in `instance_settings`, containing the directory within `save_dir`
# where this example instance's output will be saved
instance_settings, logger = initialize_instance(save_dir, instance_settings, logger_level)
Create a network object - a wrapper around a TensorFlow computation graph that implements training, evaluation, and inference with a U-Net - as well as settings dicts for the training and evaluation processes.
net, train_settings, eval_settings = create_network(instance_settings)
# Return the trained network
net = train_and_eval(net, train_settings, eval_settings, logger)
# Set to something to save segmentation images to disk there
output_dir = None
test_seg, test_probs = segment(
image_source=os.path.join(data_dir, 'test-images.tif'),
label_source=os.path.join(data_dir, 'test-labels.tif'),
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(400/110, 609/110))
ax.imshow(test_seg[75], cmap='jet', vmin=0, vmax=6)
ax.set_title('Test prediction')
h = ax.axis('off')
Comparisons with ground truth labels, along with visualizations of the inference probability maps for each class
demo_segmentation(net, data_dir)